BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BroadCastEventType Enumeration

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Types of event that has occurred with the BroadCast class.

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.Misc
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public enum BroadCastEventType

  Member nameValueDescription
Connected0 A connection to the server was successfully established.

Object data: DateTime (start of connection).

Disconnected1 The server was disconnected (either by user request or due to a connection error).

Object data: DateTime (time of disconnect).

DisconnectError2 An error occurred during the disconnect (the server might still be connected).

Object data: DateTime (time of disconnect).

ConnectionLost3 The connection was lost (can only be discovered at SendData(IntPtr, Int32)).

Object data: DateTime (time of lost connection).

ConnectionError4 A connection to the server could not be established (will only be raised at Connect or AutoConnect).

Object data: DateTime (time of lost connection).

ReconnectTry5 A reconnect will be tried (after the ReconnectTimeout).

Object data: DateTime (time of reconnect try).

UnsuccessfulReconnectTry6 A reconnect was unsuccessfully tried.

Object data: DateTime (time of unsuccessful reconnect try).

EncoderStarted7 The encoder was started successfully (will only be raised in AutomaticMode).

Object data: BaseEncoder (the encoder instance which needs to be restarted).

EncoderStartError8 The encoder could not be started (will only be raised in AutomaticMode).

Object data: BaseEncoder (the encoder instance which needs to be restarted).

EncoderStopped9 The encoder was stopped (will only be raised in AutomaticMode).

Object data: BaseEncoder (the encoder instance which needs to be restarted).

EncoderStopError10 The encoder could not be stopped (will only be raised during Disconnect - the disconnect might fail and might still be connected).

Object data: BaseEncoder (the encoder instance which needs to be restarted).

EncoderRestartRequired11 The underlying encoder is not active and needs to be started again.

Object data: BaseEncoder (the encoder instance which needs to be restarted).

DataSend12 All data was send to the server successfully (will only be raised when NotificationSuppressDataSend is and UseBASS is set to ).

Object data: long (number of bytes send).

LessDataSend13 Data was send to the server, but not all data was send (will only be raised when UseBASS is set to ).

Object data: int (number of bytes not send).

IsAlive14 The broadcast connection is alive and streaming is active (will only be raised when AutoReconnect is and NotificationSuppressIsAlive is and UseBASS is set to ).

Object data: DateTime (time of is alive signal).

TitleUpdated15 The song title was updated.

Object data: string (song title).

TitleUpdateError16 The song title was not updated.

Object data: string (song title).

Reconnected17 A reconnect was successfull.

Object data: DateTime (time of reconnect).


A variable of this type is passed inside the BroadCastEventArgs object for the Notification event.
See Also
