BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio LibraryBASS_DSHOW_VIDEOBITMAP FieldsBASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

The BASS_DSHOW_VIDEOBITMAP type exposes the following members.


Public fieldalphavalue
The blend value of the overlay(0...1.0).
Public fieldbmp
A valid HDC (e.g. as retuned by 'Bitmap.GetHbitmap()').
Public fieldinBottom
The bottom position of the HDC.
Public fieldinLeft
The left position of the HDC.
Public fieldinRight
The right position of the HDC.
Public fieldinTop
The top position of the HDC.
Public fieldoutBottom
The output bottom destination(0...1.0).
Public fieldoutLeft
The output left destination(0...1.0).
Public fieldoutRight
The output right destination(0...1.0).
Public fieldoutTop
The output top destination(0...1.0).
Public fieldtransColor
A RGB value that indicates wich color will not be blend over video.
Public fieldvisible
The overlay bitmap is visible or not?
See Also
