BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

MIDI_TIME Structure

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Represents the Windows Multimedia MMTIME structure.

Namespace:  radio42.Multimedia.Midi
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public struct MIDI_TIME

The MIDI_TIME type exposes the following members.


Public fieldcb
Byte count. Used when type is TIME_BYTES.
Public fieldfps
Frames per second (24, 25, 29 (30 drop), or 30) - SMPTE time structure. Used when type is TIME_SMPTE.
Public fieldframe
Frames - SMPTE time structure. Used when type is TIME_SMPTE.
Public fieldhour
Hours - SMPTE time structure. Used when type is TIME_SMPTE.
Public fieldmin
Minutes - SMPTE time structure. Used when type is TIME_SMPTE.
Public fieldms
Number of milliseconds. Used when type is TIME_MS.
Public fieldsample
Number of samples. Used when type is TIME_SAMPLES.
Public fieldsec
Seconds - SMPTE time structure. Used when type is TIME_SMPTE.
Public fieldsongptrpos
Song pointer position. MIDI time structure. Used when type is TIME_MIDI.
Public fieldticks
Ticks in MIDI stream. Used when type is TIME_TICKS.
Public fieldtype
Time format. It can be one of the following values (see MIDITimeType).

The MIDI_TIME structure contains timing information for different types of multimedia data.
See Also
