BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BASSWASAPINotify Enumeration

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
BassWasapi sample formats to be used with BASS_WASAPI_INFO and BASS_WASAPI_GetInfo(BASS_WASAPI_INFO).

Namespace:  Un4seen.BassWasapi
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public enum BASSWASAPINotify

  Member nameValueDescription
BASS_WASAPI_NOTIFY_ENABLED0 The device's status has changed, ie. it has been enabled. The new status is also available from BASS_WASAPI_GetDeviceInfo(Int32, BASS_WASAPI_DEVICEINFO).
BASS_WASAPI_NOTIFY_DISABLED1 The device's status has changed, ie. it has been disabled. The new status is also available from BASS_WASAPI_GetDeviceInfo(Int32, BASS_WASAPI_DEVICEINFO).
BASS_WASAPI_NOTIFY_DEFOUTPUT2 The device is now the default input device.
BASS_WASAPI_NOTIFY_DEFINPUT3 The device is now the default input device.
BASS_WASAPI_NOTIFY_FAIL256 The device has failed and been stopped.

If the device is still enabled and shared mode was being used, then it may be that the device's sample format has changed. It can be freed and reinitialized, with BASS_WASAPI_Free and BASS_WASAPI_Init(Int32, Int32, Int32, BASSWASAPIInit, Single, Single, WASAPIPROC, IntPtr), to resume in that case.

See Also
