BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

MidiShortMessageControllerType Property

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Gets or Sets the controller type (one of the MIDIControllerType values) from/to the Data1 byte.

Namespace:  radio42.Multimedia.Midi
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public MIDIControllerType ControllerType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: MIDIControllerType

This property should only be used when StatusType is ControlChange.

Note: Some ControlChange messages might actually use two short messages (e.g. the BankSelect) to support paired values with a higher resolution (16384 instead of 128 values). In such case two messages will be send, where one contains the the LSB value (single steps) in it's Data2 byte and the other on the MSB value (128th steps) in it's Data2 byte.

For this special case it might be useful to keep in your MIDIINPROC handler always the current and the last message.

You might use the GetPairedData(Byte, Byte), GetPairedData2(MidiShortMessage, MidiShortMessage) resp. the GetPairedData1(MidiShortMessage, MidiShortMessage) method to retrieve a combined value from two short messages resp. two data value.

To access the single value assigned to the controler access the ControllerValue property.

See Also
