BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

WaveForm Properties

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

The WaveForm type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBeatLength
Gets or Sets the length of the beat position line to be drawn in percentage of the total height (default is 0.05 = 5%).
Public propertyBeatWidth
Gets or Sets the width in pixel of the beat position line to be drawn (default is 1px).
Public propertyCallbackFrequency
Gets or Sets the frequency in FrameResolution frames - how often the WAVEFORMPROC callback should be invoked (default=250, every 5sec. - if the FrameResolution is set to 20ms).

Specify 0, if you want to invoke the callback only at the end of the rendering process.

Example: Specify 50, if you want the callback to be called for every second of the deconding stream (slow - if the FrameResolution is set to 20ms). Or specify 500 to invoke the callback for every 10 seconds (if the FrameResolution is set to 20ms) rendered. Default is 250 = every 5sec. (if the FrameResolution is set to 20ms default).

Public propertyColorBackground
Gets or Sets the background color to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = SystemColors.Control).
Public propertyColorBeat
Gets or Sets the color to be used when drawing beat position marker (Default = Color.CornflowerBlue).
Public propertyColorLeft
Gets or Sets the base color (left channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.Gainsboro).
Public propertyColorLeft2
Gets or Sets the gradient color (left channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.Gainsboro).
Public propertyColorLeftEnvelope
Gets or Sets the envelope color (left channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.Gray).
Public propertyColorMarker
Gets or Sets the color to be used when drawing a marker (Default = Color.DarkBlue).
Public propertyColorMiddleLeft
Gets or Sets the center line color (left channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.Empty).
Public propertyColorMiddleRight
Gets or Sets the center line color (right channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.Empty).
Public propertyColorRight
Gets or Sets the base color (right channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.LightGray).
Public propertyColorRight2
Gets or Sets the gradient color (right channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.White).
Public propertyColorRightEnvelope
Gets or Sets the envelope color (right channel) to be used when drawing the wave form image (Default = Color.DimGray).
Public propertyColorVolume
Gets or Sets the color to be used when drawing volume curve (Default = Color.IndianRed).
Public propertyDetectBeats
Gets or Sets, if the beat positions should also be detected during the rendering process.
Public propertyDrawBeat
Gets or Sets if and how beat position should be drawn in the WaveForm (Default = None).
Public propertyDrawCenterLine
Gets or Sets a flag if the center line should be drawn in the wave form image (Default = ).
Public propertyDrawEnvelope
Gets or Sets a flag if the envelope should be drawn in the wave form image (Default = ).
Public propertyDrawGradient
Gets or Sets a flag if the wave form should be drawn in gradient mode (Default = ).
Public propertyDrawMarker
Gets or Sets if and how markers should be drawn in the WaveForm (Default = None).
Public propertyDrawVolume
Gets or Sets if and how a volume curve should be drawn in the WaveForm (Default = None).
Public propertyDrawWaveForm
Gets or Sets how the wave form should be drawn (Default = Stereo).
Public propertyFileName
Gets or Sets the file name to render. Needs to be set before calling the RenderFile method.
Public propertyFrameResolution
Gets or Sets the rendering resolution in seconds. The resolution defines the length of one frame which is the smallest unit to display.

The minimum is 0.001 (1ms) and the maximum is 5.0 (5000ms, 5sec.). Default is 0.01 = 10ms.

Public propertyFramesRendered
Gets how many frames have been rendered (one frame = FrameResolution ms).

When rendering has finished this should be equal to FramesToRender.

Public propertyFramesToRender
Gets how many frames have to be rendered in total (one frame = FrameResolution ms).
Public propertyGainFactor
Gets or Sets a gain factor which should be used when creating the WaveForm image to amplify the amplitude (default is 1.0 = no amplification).
Public propertyIsRendered
Gets, if the wave form has already been rendered.
Public propertyIsRenderingInProgress
Gets, if the wave form rendering process is still in progress.
Public propertyMarkerFont
Gets or Sets the font to be used when drawing a marker (Default = Arial, 7.5, regular).
Public propertyMarkerLength
Gets or Sets the length of the marker line to be drawn in percentage of the total height (default is 0.1 = 10%).
Public propertyNotifyHandler
Gets or Sets the WAVEFORMPROC callback delegete which should be invoked during the rendering progress started with RenderStart(Int32, Boolean).
Public propertyPixelFormat
Gets or Sets the pixel format to use for drawing a bitmap (Default = Format32bppArgb).
Public propertyPreScan
Gets or Sets, if the PRESCAN flag should be added by default when rendering the WaveForm.
Public propertySyncFactor
Gets the current sync factor between rendering and playback.
Public propertyTempoFactor
Gets or Sets the tempo adjustment factor in percent (e.g. 0.05 for +5% or -0.1 for -10%, default is 0).
Public propertyUseSimpleScan
Gets or Sets, if a faster simple scan algo should be used.
Public propertyVolumeCurveZeroLevel
Gets or Sets if the initial level when drawing a volume curve should be silent (default is ).
Public propertyWave
Gets or Sets the rendered wave buffer instance, ie. lets you access the peak levels scanned.
Public propertyWinControl
Gets or Sets the application window control (use null for console applications).

This window control will be used to invoke the WAVEFORMPROC (if set), so that the callback will be executed in the 'correct' GUI thread, if the background option was set during RenderStart(Int32, Boolean).

See Also
