Namespace: Un4seen.Bass
Assembly: Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:
Member name | Value | Description | |
BASS_TAG_ID3 | 0 |
ID3v1 tags : A pointer to a 128 byte block is returned (see BASS_TAG_ID3).
See for details of the block's structure. | |
BASS_TAG_ID3V2 | 1 |
ID3v2 tags : A pointer to a variable length block is returned.
See for details of the block's structure. | |
BASS_TAG_OGG | 2 | OGG comments : Only available when streaming an OGG file. A pointer to a series of null-terminated UTF-8 strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_HTTP | 3 | HTTP headers : Only available when streaming from a HTTP server. A pointer to a series of null-terminated ANSI strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_ICY | 4 | ICY headers : A pointer to a series of null-terminated ANSI strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_META | 5 | ICY (Shoutcast) metadata : A single null-terminated ANSI string containing the current stream title and url (usually omitted). The format of the string is: StreamTitle='xxx';StreamUrl='xxx'; | |
BASS_TAG_APE | 6 | APE (v1 or v2) tags : Only available when streaming an APE file. A pointer to a series of null-terminated UTF-8 strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_MP4 | 7 | iTunes/MP4 metadata : Only available when streaming a MP4 file. A pointer to a series of null-terminated UTF-8 strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_WMA | 8 | WMA header tags: WMA tags : Only available when streaming a WMA file. A pointer to a series of null-terminated UTF-8 strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_VENDOR | 9 | OGG encoder : A single null-terminated UTF-8 string. | |
BASS_TAG_LYRICS3 | 10 | Lyric3v2 tag : A single ANSI string is returned, containing the Lyrics3v2 information. See for details of its format. | |
BASS_TAG_WMA_META | 11 | WMA mid-stream tag: a single UTF-8 string. | |
BASS_TAG_CA_CODEC | 11 | Apple CoreAudio codec info : BASS_TAG_CACODEC structure. | |
BASS_TAG_WMA_CODEC | 12 | WMA codec: A description of the codec used by the file. 2 null-terminated UTF-8 strings are returned, with the 1st string being the name of the codec, and the 2nd containing additional information like what VBR setting was used. | |
BASS_TAG_MF | 13 | Media Foundation tags : A pointer to a series of null-terminated UTF-8 strings is returned, the final string ending with a double null. | |
BASS_TAG_WAVEFORMAT | 14 | WAVE format : A pointer to a WAVEFORMATEXT structure is returned. | |
BASS_TAG_AM_NAME | 16 | Android Media codec name : ASCII string | |
BASS_TAG_ID3V2_2 | 17 | ID3v2 tags (2nd block) : variable length block | |
BASS_TAG_AM_MIME | 18 | Android Media MIME type : ASCII string | |
BASS_TAG_LOCATION | 19 | // redirected URL : ASCII string | |
BASS_TAG_RIFF_INFO | 256 | RIFF/WAVE tags : array of null-terminated ANSI strings. | |
BWF/RF64 tags (Broadcast Audio Extension) : A pointer to a variable length block is returned (see BASS_TAG_BEXT).
See the EBU specification for details of the block's structure. When reading BWF tags into a TAG_INFO structure e.g. via BASS_TAG_GetFromFile(String) the following mapping is performed if no RIFF_INFO tags are present: Description = Title (max. 256 chars) Originator = Artist (max. 32 chars) OriginatorReference = EncodedBy (max. 32 chars) OriginationDate = Year (in format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') TimeReference = Track UMID = Copyright (max. 64 chars) CodingHistory = Comment However, if RIFF_INFO tags are present the BWF tags are present in the NativeTags. | |
RIFF/BWF Radio Traffic Extension tags : A pointer to a variable length block is returned (see BASS_TAG_CART).
See the EBU specifications for details of the block's structure. When reading BWF tags into a TAG_INFO structure e.g. via BASS_TAG_GetFromFile(String) the following mapping is performed if no RIFF_INFO tags are present: Title = Title (max. 64 chars) Artist = Artist (max. 64 chars) Category = Grouping (max. 64 chars) Classification = Mood (max. 64 chars) ProducerAppID = Publisher (max. 64 chars) ProducerAppVersion = EncodedBy (max. 64 chars) TagText = Comment However, if RIFF_INFO tags are present the CART tags are present in the NativeTags. | |
BASS_TAG_RIFF_DISP | 259 | RIFF DISP text chunk: a single ANSI string. | |
BASS_TAG_RIFF_CUE | 260 | RIFF CUE chunk: see BASS_TAG_CUE structure. | |
BASS_TAG_RIFF_SMPL | 261 | RIFF SMPL chunk: see BASS_TAG_SMPL structure. | |
BASS_TAG_APE_BINARY | 4096 | + index# : BASS_TAG_APE_BINARY structure. | |
BASS_TAG_MUSIC_NAME | 65536 | MOD music name : a single ANSI string. | |
BASS_TAG_MUSIC_MESSAGE | 65537 | MOD message : a single ANSI string. | |
MOD music order list: BYTE array of pattern numbers played at that order position.
Pattern number 254 is "+++" (skip order) and 255 is "---" (end song). You can use BASS_ChannelGetLength(Int32, BASSMode) with BASS_POS_MUSIC_ORDER to get the length of the array. | |
BASS_TAG_MUSIC_AUTH | 65539 | MOD music author: UTF-8 string, only available in files created with the OpenMPT tracker. | |
BASS_TAG_MUSIC_INST | 65792 | + instrument#, MOD instrument name : ANSI string | |
BASS_TAG_MUSIC_CHAN | 66048 | + channel #, MOD channel name : ANSI string | |
BASS_TAG_MUSIC_SAMPLE | 66304 | + sample#, MOD sample name : ANSI string | |
BASS_TAG_MIDI_TRACK | 69632 | + track#, track text : array of null-terminated ANSI strings | |
BASS_TAG_ADX_LOOP | 73728 | ADX tags: A pointer to the ADX loop structure (see BASS_ADX_TAG_LOOP). | |
BASS_TAG_FLAC_PICTURE | 73728 | + index# : BASS_TAG_FLAC_PICTURE structure. | |
BASS_TAG_DSD_ARTIST | 77824 | DSDIFF artist : ASCII string | |
BASS_TAG_DSD_TITLE | 77825 | DSDIFF title : ASCII string | |
BASS_TAG_DSD_COMMENT | 78080 | + index, DSDIFF comment : A pointer to the DSDIFF comment tag structure (see BASS_TAG_DSD_COMMENT). | |
BASS_TAG_HLS_EXTINF | 81920 | HLS tags: segment's EXTINF tag, a single UTF-8 string | |
BASS_TAG_HLS_STREAMINF | 81921 | HLS tags: segment's EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag, a single UTF-8 string | |
BASS_TAG_HLS_DATE | 81922 | HLS tags: segment's EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag, a single UTF-8 string | |
BASS_TAG_HLS_SDT | 81923 | HLS tags: DVB SDT, variable length block | |
BASS_TAG_HLS_EMSG | 81924 | HLS tags: EMSG, variable length block | |
BASS_TAG_UNKNOWN | -1 | Unknown tags : not supported tags |