BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

MIDIMessage Enumeration

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Midi Message Types.

Namespace:  radio42.Multimedia.Midi
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public enum MIDIMessage

  Member nameValueDescription
MIM_OPEN961 The MIM_OPEN message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when a MIDI input device is opened.

param1Not used.
param2Not used.

MIM_CLOSE962 The MIM_CLOSE message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when a MIDI input device is closed.

param1Not used.
param2Not used.

The device handle is no longer valid after this message has been sent.

MIM_DATA963 The MIM_DATA message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when a MIDI message is received by a MIDI input device.

param1MIDI message that was received. The message is packed into a doubleword value as follows:

High word: High-order byte: Not used. Low-order byte: Contains a second byte of MIDI data (when needed).

Low word: High-order byte: Contains the first byte of MIDI data (when needed). Low-order byte: Contains the MIDI status.

The two MIDI data bytes are optional, depending on the MIDI status byte.

param2Time that the message was received by the input device driver. The time stamp is specified in milliseconds, beginning at zero when the MIDI_InStart(IntPtr) function was called.

MIDI messages received from a MIDI input port have running status disabled; each message is expanded to include the MIDI status byte.

This message is not sent when a MIDI system-exclusive message is received.

You might used the MidiShortMessage class to construct and or unpack the message into it's components.

MIM_LONGDATA964 The MIM_LONGDATA message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when a system-exclusive buffer has been filled with data and is being returned to the application.

param1Pointer to a MIDI_HEADER structure identifying the input buffer.
param2Time that the message was received by the input device driver. The time stamp is specified in milliseconds, beginning at zero when the MIDI_InStart(IntPtr) function was called.

The returned buffer might not be full. To determine the number of bytes recorded into the returned buffer, use the Data member of the MIDI_HEADER structure specified by param1.

MIM_ERROR965 The MIM_ERROR message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when an invalid MIDI message is received.

param1Invalid MIDI message that was received. The message is packed into a doubleword value with the first byte of the message in the low-order byte.
param2Time that the message was received by the input device driver. The time stamp is specified in milliseconds, beginning at zero when the MIDI_InStart(IntPtr) function was called.

MIM_LONGERROR966 The MIM_LONGERROR message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when an invalid or incomplete MIDI system-exclusive message is received.

param1Pointer to a MIDI_HEADER structure identifying the buffer containing the invalid message.
param2Time that the message was received by the input device driver. The time stamp is specified in milliseconds, beginning at zero when the MIDI_InStart(IntPtr) function was called.

The returned buffer might not be full. To determine the number of bytes recorded into the returned buffer, use the Data member of the MIDI_HEADER structure specified by param1.

MIM_MOREDATA972 The MIM_MOREDATA message is sent to a MIDI input callback function when a MIDI message is received by a MIDI input device but the application is not processing MIM_DATA messages fast enough to keep up with the input device driver. The callback function receives this message only when the application specifies MIDI_IO_STATUS in the call to the MIDI_InOpen(IntPtr, Int32, MIDIINPROC, IntPtr, MIDIFlags) function.

param1MIDI message that was received. The message is packed into a doubleword value as follows:

High word: High-order byte: Not used. Low-order byte: Contains a second byte of MIDI data (when needed).

Low word: High-order byte: Contains the first byte of MIDI data (when needed). Low-order byte: Contains the MIDI status.

The two MIDI data bytes are optional, depending on the MIDI status byte.

param2Time that the message was received by the input device driver. The time stamp is specified in milliseconds, beginning at zero when the MIDI_InStart(IntPtr) function was called.

An application should do only a minimal amount of processing of MIM_MOREDATA messages. (In particular, applications should not call the PostMessage function while processing MIM_MOREDATA.) Instead, the application should place the event data into a buffer and then return.

When an application receives an MIM_DATA message after a series of MIM_MOREDATA messages, it has caught up with incoming MIDI events and can safely call time-intensive functions.

MIDI messages received from a MIDI input port have running status disabled; each message is expanded to include the MIDI status byte.

This message is not sent when a MIDI system-exclusive message is received.

You might used the MidiShortMessage class to construct and or unpack the message into it's components.

MOM_OPEN967 The MOM_OPEN message is sent to a MIDI output callback function when a MIDI output device is opened.

param1Not used.
param2Not used.

MOM_CLOSE968 The MOM_CLOSE message is sent to a MIDI output callback function when a MIDI output device is closed.

param1Not used.
param2Not used.

The device handle is no longer valid after this message has been sent.

MOM_DONE969 The MOM_DONE message is sent to a MIDI output callback function when the specified system-exclusive or stream buffer has been played and is being returned to the application.

param1Pointer to a MIDI_HEADER structure identifying the input buffer.
param2Not used.

See Also
