BASS error codes as returned e.g. by BASS_ErrorGetCode (int)
Namespace: Un4seen.Bass
Assembly: Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:
Member name | Value | Description | |
BASS_OK | 0 | All is OK | |
BASS_ERROR_MEM | 1 | Memory error | |
BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN | 2 | Can't open the file | |
BASS_ERROR_DRIVER | 3 | Can't find a free/valid driver | |
BASS_ERROR_BUFLOST | 4 | The sample buffer was lost | |
BASS_ERROR_HANDLE | 5 | Invalid handle | |
BASS_ERROR_FORMAT | 6 | Unsupported sample format | |
BASS_ERROR_POSITION | 7 | Invalid playback position | |
BASS_ERROR_INIT | 8 | BASS_Init has not been successfully called | |
BASS_ERROR_START | 9 | BASS_Start has not been successfully called | |
BASS_ERROR_SSL | 10 | SSL/HTTPS support isn't available | |
BASS_ERROR_REINIT | 11 | device needs to be reinitialized | |
BASS_ERROR_NOCD | 12 | No CD in drive | |
BASS_ERROR_CDTRACK | 13 | Invalid track number | |
BASS_ERROR_ALREADY | 14 | Already initialized/paused/whatever | |
BASS_ERROR_NOPAUSE | 16 | Not paused | |
BASS_ERROR_NOTAUDIO | 17 | Not an audio track | |
BASS_ERROR_NOCHAN | 18 | Can't get a free channel | |
BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE | 19 | An illegal type was specified | |
BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM | 20 | An illegal parameter was specified | |
BASS_ERROR_NO3D | 21 | No 3D support | |
BASS_ERROR_NOEAX | 22 | No EAX support | |
BASS_ERROR_DEVICE | 23 | Illegal device number | |
BASS_ERROR_NOPLAY | 24 | Not playing | |
BASS_ERROR_FREQ | 25 | Illegal sample rate | |
BASS_ERROR_NOTFILE | 27 | The stream is not a file stream | |
BASS_ERROR_NOHW | 29 | No hardware voices available | |
BASS_ERROR_EMPTY | 31 | The MOD music has no sequence data | |
BASS_ERROR_NONET | 32 | No internet connection could be opened | |
BASS_ERROR_CREATE | 33 | Couldn't create the file | |
BASS_ERROR_NOFX | 34 | Effects are not available | |
BASS_ERROR_PLAYING | 35 | The channel is playing | |
BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL | 37 | Requested data is not available | |
BASS_ERROR_DECODE | 38 | The channel is a 'decoding channel' | |
BASS_ERROR_DX | 39 | A sufficient DirectX version is not installed | |
BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT | 40 | Connection timedout | |
BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM | 41 | Unsupported file format | |
BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER | 42 | Unavailable speaker | |
BASS_ERROR_VERSION | 43 | Invalid BASS version (used by add-ons) | |
BASS_ERROR_CODEC | 44 | Codec is not available/supported | |
BASS_ERROR_ENDED | 45 | The channel/file has ended | |
BASS_ERROR_BUSY | 46 | The device is busy (eg. in "exclusive" use by another process) | |
BASS_ERROR_UNSTREAMABLE | 47 | Unstreamable file | |
BASS_ERROR_PROTOCOL | 48 | unsupported protocol | |
BASS_ERROR_DENIED | 49 | access denied | |
BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN | -1 | Some other mystery error | |
BASS_ERROR_WMA_LICENSE | 1000 | BassWma: the file is protected | |
BASS_ERROR_WMA_WM9 | 1001 | BassWma: WM9 is required | |
BASS_ERROR_WMA_DENIED | 1002 | BassWma: access denied (user/pass is invalid) | |
BASS_ERROR_WMA_CODEC | 1003 | BassWma: no appropriate codec is installed | |
BASS_ERROR_WMA_INDIVIDUAL | 1004 | BassWma: individualization is needed | |
BASS_ERROR_ACM_CANCEL | 2000 | BassEnc: ACM codec selection cancelled | |
BASS_ERROR_CAST_DENIED | 2100 | BassEnc: Access denied (invalid password) | |
BASS_ERROR_SERVER_CERT | 2101 | missing/invalid certificate | |
BASS_VST_ERROR_NOINPUTS | 3000 | BassVst: the given effect has no inputs and is probably a VST instrument and no effect | |
BASS_VST_ERROR_NOOUTPUTS | 3001 | BassVst: the given effect has no outputs | |
BASS_VST_ERROR_NOREALTIME | 3002 | BassVst: the given effect does not support realtime processing | |
BASS_ERROR_WASAPI | 5000 | BASSWASAPI: no WASAPI available | |
BASS_ERROR_WASAPI_BUFFER | 5001 | BASSWASAPI: buffer size is invalid | |
BASS_ERROR_WASAPI_CATEGORY | 5002 | BASSWASAPI: can't set category | |
BASS_ERROR_MP4_NOSTREAM | 6000 | BASS_AAC: non-streamable due to MP4 atom order ('mdat' before 'moov') | |
BASS_ERROR_MIDI_INCLUDE | 7000 | BASSMIDI: SFZ include file could not be opened | |
BASS_ERROR_WEBM_NOTAUDIO | 8000 | BASSWEBM: non-streamable WebM audio | |
BASS_ERROR_WEBM_TRACK | 8001 | BASSWEBM: invalid track number |
See Also