BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BroadCastConnect Method

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.Misc
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public bool Connect()

Return Value

Type: Boolean
on success, else (see LastError or LastErrorMessage for details).

The automatic reconnect settings (AutoReconnect and ReconnectTimeout) will also work with a manual connection. But, you must create and handle your own ENCODEPROC callback and call Start(ENCODEPROC, IntPtr, Boolean) manually!

If already connected, this method will first Disconnect from the Server, which might result in stopping the underlying BaseEncoder.

If the channel handle (as defined in the ChannelHandle) is already playing, it will be shortly paused during the setup and resumed when done.

Note: If you have set the AutoReconnect property to this call will automatically try to reconnect even if this method returns !


This example demonstrates manual broadcasting:
private BroadCast _broadCast;
private ENCODEPROC _myEncProc;
// create your encoder (using a recording handle)
EncoderLAME lame = new EncoderLAME(_recHandle);

// create an streaming server instance
SHOUTcast shoutcast = new SHOUTcast(lame);

// create the broadcast instance
_broadCast = new BroadCast(shoutcast);
_broadCast.AutoReconnect = true;
_broadCast.Notification += new BroadCastEventHandler(OnBroadCast_Notification);

// create your encoder callback
_myEncProc = new ENCODEPROC(MyEncodingCallback);
// start the encoder (paused)
_broadCast.StartEncoder(_myEncProc, IntPtr.Zero, true);
// now connect to start your broadcast
// and really start the encoder

// your broadcast encoder callback implementation
private void MyEncodingCallback(int handle, int channel, IntPtr buffer, int length, IntPtr user)
  // here we receive the encoded data back (manual mode)
  if ( _broadCast.IsConnected )
    _broadCast.SendData(buffer, length);

private void OnBroadCast_Notification(object sender, BroadCastEventArgs e)
  if (e.EventType == BroadCastEventType.EncoderRestartRequired)
    _broadCast.StartEncoder(_myEncProc, 0);

  if (!_broadCast.IsConnected)
    // connection lost
See Also
