BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio LibraryBassDShow ClassBASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

Requires: BASS_DSHOW.dll - DirectShow/Video support Add-On - available @

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.DShow
Assembly: Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public sealed class BassDShow

The BassDShow type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_CallbackItemByIndex
This method is an alternative way to get item names on methods that require callbacks.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_CaptureCreate
Creates a capture stream from audio/video capture devices.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_CaptureDeviceProfiles
Gets the available audio or video capture device profiles.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_CaptureFree
Frees a capture stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_CaptureGetDevices
Gets the available audio or video capture devices.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelAddFile
Adds a new media file to a channel (e.g. for mixing multiple videos).
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelAddWindow
Adds a new Video Window to the channel.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelColorRange(Int32, BASSDSHOWColorControl)
Retrieves the color controls range (min,max,step).
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelColorRange(Int32, BASSDSHOWColorControl, BASS_DSHOW_COLORRANGE)
Retrieves the color controls range (min,max,step).
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelEnableStream
Enables a stream within a video.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelEnumerateStreams
Enumerates connected streams on a video handle.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetAttribute
Gets an attribute value from a HSTREAM.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetBitmap
Retrieves the current video frame.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetBitmapPtr
Retrieves the current video frame.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetConnectedFilters
Retrieves the connected filters to a channel.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetInfo(Int32)
Retrieves information on a video channel.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetInfo(Int32, BASS_DSHOW_CHANNELINFO)
Retrieves information on a video channel.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetLength
Gets the length of the video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetPosition
Gets the current position of the video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetState
Gets the current state of a channel (playing/stopped/paused).
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelGetStream
Gets information about a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelOverlayBMP
Overlays a HDC to the video window.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelPause
Pauses playback of a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelPlay
Starts playback of a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelRemoveDVP
Removes a DVP function from a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelRemoveWindow
Removes an added video window from the channel.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelRepaint
Repaints a window less video renderer.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelResizeWindow
Resizes the rendering of a video stream to a new size.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetAttribute
Sets an attribute value to a HSTREAM.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetColors
Sets new values to color controls.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetDVP
Sets up a user DVP function on a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetFullscreen
Toggles the rendering of a video stream between full screen (on/off).
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetPosition
Sets the playback position of a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetSync
Sets up a synchronizer on a video channel.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelSetWindow
Sets s video window handle.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelStop
Stops playback of a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ChannelStreamsCount
Gets the number of streams for a video handle.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_DVDChannelMenu
Sets DVD MENU options.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_DVDGetProperty
Gets DVD properties.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_DVDSetProperty
Sets DVD properties.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ErrorGetCode
Retrieves the error code for the most recent BASS_DSHOW function call.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_Free
Frees all resources used by DSHOW, including all it's streams.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_GetAudioRenderers
Gets the available audio render devices available on the system.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_GetConfig
Gets a BASS_DSHOW configuration option.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_GetGraph
Gets an instance IGraphBuilder interface of a channel.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_DSHOW_GetVersion
Retrieves the version number of the BASS_DSHOW.DLL that is loaded.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBASS_DSHOW_GetVersion(Int32)
Retrieves the version of the BASS_DSHOW.DLL that is loaded.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_GetVideoAlpha
Gets a video window layer alpha blend value.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_Init
Initialize the DSHOW library. This will initialize the library for use.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_LoadPlugin
Loads a BASS_DSHOW plugin.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_LoadPluginDS
Loads a DirectShow plugin.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_MIXChannelResize
Resizes a mixing channel
Public methodBASS_DSHOW_PluginGetInfo(Int32)
Gets information about a loaded plugin.
Public methodBASS_DSHOW_PluginGetInfo(Int32, BASS_DSHOW_PLUGININFO)
Gets information about a loaded plugin.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_Register
Registers you DSHOW/xVideo license.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_RemovePlugin
Removes a loaded plugin and frees all resources.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_SetConfig(BASSDSHOWConfig, Int32)
Sets a BASS_DSHOW configuration option.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_SetConfig(BASSDSHOWConfig, BASSDSHOWConfigFlag)
Sets a BASS_DSHOW configuration option.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_SetVideoAlpha
Sets a video window alpha blend value.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_ShowFilterPropertyPage
Shows a filter property page.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_StreamCreateDVD
Creates a sample stream from a DVD or VOB file.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_StreamCreateFile(IntPtr, Int64, IntPtr, BASSFlag)
Creates a sample stream from memory data.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_StreamCreateFile(String, Int32, IntPtr, BASSFlag)
Creates a sample stream from a supported file.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_StreamCreateFileUser
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_StreamCreateFilter
Creates a sample stream from a supported file using a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_StreamFree
Frees all resources of a video stream.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_VCamPush(Int32, Byte)
Send video from user file data to a virtual webcam.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_VCamPush(Int32, Int64)
Send video from user file data to a virtual webcam.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_VCamPush(Int32, IntPtr)
Send video from user file data to a virtual webcam.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_DSHOW_VCamStreamChannel
Send video data from a HSTREAM to a virtual webcam.
Public methodStatic memberFreeMe
Unloads this library. This must be called when you have previously called LoadMe.
Public methodStatic memberLoadMe
Loads this library into memory. The library will be search in the current application directory.
Public methodStatic memberLoadMe(String)
Loads this library into memory. The library will be loaded from the given path.

Public fieldStatic memberBASSDSHOWVERSION
Current BASS_DSHOW version (without minor revision).
Public fieldStatic memberSupportedStreamExtensions
Supported file extensions of the bass_dshow.dll
Public fieldStatic memberSupportedStreamName
Supported file format name of the bass_dshow.dll

BASS_DSHOW/xVideo is an extention to the BASS audio library, providing a set of functions for rendering direct show audio and video content.

See Also
