BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

IStreamingServer Interface

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Defines a generalized streaming server class interface that a StreamingServer class must implement.

Namespace:  Un4seen.Bass.Misc
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public interface IStreamingServer

The IStreamingServer type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEncoder
Returns the encoder interface which is used with this instance.
Public propertyForceUTF8TitleUpdates
Gets or Sets if title updates (via UpdateTitle(String, String)) should in any case use UTF-8 (default is ).
Public propertyIsConnected
Returns , if connected to a streaming server - else .
Public propertyLastError
Gets or Sets the last streaming error.
Public propertyLastErrorMessage
Gets or Sets the last streaming error message.
Public propertyLocalNetworkCardIPAddress
Gets or Sets a local IP address to use for cast server connections (=any, default):
Public propertySongTitle
Gets or Sets the current/last song title.
Public propertySongUrl
Gets or Sets the current/last song url.
Public propertyUseBASS
Gets if native BASS should be used to connect and stream to the server.

Public methodConnect
Connects to a streaming server.
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects to a streaming server.
Public methodGetListeners
Returns the number of listeners currently connected.
Public methodGetStats
Returns the XML stats of the server.
Public methodLogin
Performs a login and/or init of the streaming server.
Public methodSendData
Sends encoded sample data (manually) to the streaming server (e.g. the data as received in an own ENCODEPROC).
Public methodUpdateTitle(String, String)
Updates the title song and/or url of the streaming server.
Public methodUpdateTitle(TAG_INFO, String)
Updates the song title and/or url of the streaming server.

This interface is for example used in the constructor of a BroadCast instance to specify which server should be used.
See Also
