BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

EncoderQTAAC Fields

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

The EncoderQTAAC type exposes the following members.


Public fieldQT_Bitrate
--cbr, --abr or --cvbr: Choose a nominal bitrate to encode at for the selected QT_Mode (only used for CBR, ABR and CVBR). Attempt to encode at a bitrate averaging this. Takes an argument in kbps.
Public fieldQT_CustomOptions
The custom parameter string, which should be used, if the QT_UseCustomOptionsOnly property is set to .
Public fieldQT_HE
--he: Enable the high efficiency (HE-AAC) encoder. Cannot be used with True VBR mode.
Public fieldQT_Mode
--cbr, --abr, --cvbr or --tvbr: Gets or Sets the QuickTime encoding mode (CBR, ABR, CVBR, TVBR).
Public fieldQT_Quality
--tvbr: Choose the quality value for the selected QT_Mode (only used for TVBR). Available quality range is 0-127 (default is 65).
Public fieldQT_QualityMode
Gets or Sets which encoder quality mode to use? (default is High).
Public fieldQT_Samplerate
--samplerate: Control the samplerate of the output file.
Public fieldQT_UseCustomOptionsOnly
Use the QT_CustomOptions parameter string only (default=).
See Also
