Namespace: Un4seen.Bass.Misc
Assembly: Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:
The DSP_StreamCopy type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DSP_StreamCopy |
Creates a new instance of the Stream Copy DSP, not assigning the DSP yet.
| |
DSP_StreamCopy(Int32, Int32) |
Creates a new instance of the Stream Copy DSP, which already assigns the DSP (Start will be called automatically).
Name | Description | |
ChannelBitwidth |
This property returns the actual bitwidth of the sample data of the channel (e.g. 8, 16, 32).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
ChannelHandle |
Gets or Sets the channel that the DSP is being applied to.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
ChannelInfo |
Gets the BASS_CHANNELINFO of the assigned ChannelHandle.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
ChannelNumChans |
This property returns the actual number of channles of the sample data BASS is using with the channel (e.g. 1=mono, 2=stereo, etc.).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
ChannelSampleRate |
This property returns the actual sample rate in Hz of the sample data BASS is using with the channel (e.g. 44100).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
DSPHandle |
Returns the actual DSP handle (or 0, if the DSP has not been assigned to the channel).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
DSPPriority |
Sets or reassigns the priority of the DSP, which determines it's position in the DSP chain - DSPs with higher priority are called before those with lower.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
DSPProc |
Returns the actual DSPPROC (callback delegate) which is used by the DSP.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
IsAssigned |
Is the DSP assigned to an active channel? (=assigned, =not assigned).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
IsBypassed |
Returns if the DSP is currently bypassed (=bypass).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
IsOutputBuffered |
Gets or Sets, if the StreamCopy should be buffered or not (default is ).
| |
OutputLatency |
Gets or Sets the output latency in milliseconds (default = 0).
| |
SourceMixerStream |
Gets or Sets the mixer handle of the mixer from which you are cloning (see BASSmix addon).
| |
StreamCopy |
Gets the copied BASS stream (the created custom push stream).
| |
StreamCopyDevice |
Gets or Sets the BASS device, which should be used for the stream copy.
| |
StreamCopyFlags |
Gets or Sets the BASSFlag flags which should be used to create the StreamCopy.
| |
TargetMixerStream |
Gets or Sets the mixer handle of the mixer to which the StreamCopy handle should be added (see BASSmix addon).
| |
User |
Gets or Sets the value of the user instance data to pass to the callback function (see DSPCallback(Int32, Int32, IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr)).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) |
Name | Description | |
Dispose |
Implement IDisposable.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
DSPCallback |
User defined DSP callback function which does the stream copy operation. Not for direct use in your application!
(Overrides BaseDSPDSPCallback(Int32, Int32, IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr).) | |
Finalize |
Finalization code.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
OnBypassChanged |
Occures when the SetBypass(Boolean) method was called.
(Overrides BaseDSPOnBypassChanged.) | |
OnChannelChanged |
Occures when the ChannelHandle has been changed.
(Overrides BaseDSPOnChannelChanged.) | |
OnStarted |
Occures when the Start method was called.
Actually creates the StreamCopy custom push stream here.
(Overrides BaseDSPOnStarted.) | |
OnStopped |
Occures when the Stop method was called.
Actually frees the StreamCopy custom stream here.
(Overrides BaseDSPOnStopped.) | |
RaiseNotification |
Fires the Notification event.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
ReSync |
Re-Synchronizes the StreamCopy with the ChannelHandle when using BASSmix mixer channels.
| |
SetBypass |
Sets the Bypass mode.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
Start |
Assigns the DSP to the channel (actually starts using the DSP).
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
Stop |
Stops (removes) the DSP from the channel.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) | |
ToString |
Returns the name of the DSP.
(Overrides BaseDSPToString.) |
Name | Description | |
Notification |
Event handler used to notify that the DSP has processed some data.
(Inherited from BaseDSP.) |
The ChannelHandle and the StreamCopy handles will be linked. So the StreamCopy channel will be started/stopped/paused/resumed together with the original ChannelHandle.
When using with a mixer stream (see Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Mix) you need to set the SourceMixerStream and TargetMixerStream properties accordingly. It is possible to copy either a mixer source stream or the mixer stream itself (in both cases the SourceMixerStream handle must be set - so the ChannelHandle might be equal to the ChannelHandle). If you specify a TargetMixerStream the StreamCopy handle will automatically be add as a new source channel to that mixer (in such case make sure to use BASS_STREAM_DECODE as a StreamCopyFlags). The IsOutputBuffered property will define, if the final output is a buffered stream or not (so if using with a TargetMixerStream you might still need to set this to ).
The DSP automatically handles 8-, 16- or 32-bit sample data accordingly. 8- and 16-bit sample data will be clipped if needed, 32-bit floating-point values will not be clipped.
Use Start to assign the DSP to the channel. Use Stop to remove the DSP (you can (re)assign the DSP at any time again by calling Start). Changing the DSPPriority when the DSP is already assigned will automatically reassign the DSP.
Use the ChannelHandle property to change the original channel assignment at any time. If the DSP has already been assigned, the DSP will immediately be reassigned to the new channel.
NOTE: This DSP does NOT support the Notification event!
Internally the DSP_StreamCopy implementation uses BASS_StreamPutData(Int32, IntPtr, Int32) to keep the sample data of the original stream in sync with the custom created push stream (the 'StreamCopy' is created via BASS_StreamCreatePush(Int32, Int32, BASSFlag, IntPtr) and linked to the source stream via BASS_ChannelSetLink(Int32, Int32)). It is not recommended to use this DSP with ASIO sources (use the DSP_BufferStream DSP instead).
So when you now call the Stop method on the DSP_StreamCopy instance the copied-stream will be freed (but not the source stream). The same is true, if the GarbageCollector disposes your DSP_StreamCopy instance, since within the dispose implementation the Stop method will be called.
However, stopping the source stream will not reset the copied-stream! Also the copied-stream will not be freed automatically, if you simply free the original stream (only the DSP will be removed from it).
So when you free your source stream (or the playback ends) it is advised to call the Stop method on your DSP_StreamCopy method as well. So that the DSP is removed and the copied-stream will be removed/freed! When you need to start the original stream again, simply call Start again.
Here is a full overview of all possible scenarios:
A) Stopping/Releasing the source stream: -> call Stop to also free the StreamCopy (and internal DSP).
A.1) Restarting the same source stream: -> call Start if you need to start the source stream again.
A.2) Assigning a new source stream: -> set the ChannelHandle to the new source stream (see B).
B) Changing the ChannelHandle of the DSP_StreamCopy instance: -> the current StreamCopy (if existing) will be freed automatically (and internal DSP). A new StreamCopy is created automatically for the new source stream.
C) Changing the StreamCopyDevice of the DSP_StreamCopy instance: -> the current StreamCopy (if existing) will be freed automatically. A new StreamCopy is created automatically on the new device.
D) Disposing of the DSP_StreamCopy instance (e.g. via GC): -> the current StreamCopy (if existing) will be freed automatically (and internal DSP).
private DSP_StreamCopy _streamCopy; ... Bass.BASS_Init(2, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero); Bass.BASS_Init(1, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero); ... // create the original stream (on device 1) int stream = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile("test.mp3", 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT); // start playing it... Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(stream, false); ... _streamCopy = new DSP_StreamCopy(); BASS_INFO info = Bass.BASS_GetInfo(); _streamCopy.OutputLatency = info.latency; // the stream to copy _streamCopy.ChannelHandle = stream; _streamCopy.DSPPriority = -1000; // use device 2 to create the copy on _streamCopy.StreamCopyDevice = 2; // use the exact same stream flags for the stream copy _streamCopy.StreamCopyFlags = _streamCopy.ChannelInfo.flags; _streamCopy.Start();
private DSP_StreamCopy _streamCopy; ... Bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_SPEAKERS, IntPtr.Zero); ... // create the original stream (using front speakers) int stream = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile("test.mp3", 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT | BASSFlag.BASS_SPEAKER_FRONT); // start playing it... Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(stream, false); ... _streamCopy = new DSP_StreamCopy(); BASS_INFO info = Bass.BASS_GetInfo(); _streamCopy.OutputLatency = info.latency; // the stream to copy _streamCopy.ChannelHandle = stream; _streamCopy.DSPPriority = -1000; // use different speaker flags for the stream copy _streamCopy.StreamCopyFlags = BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT | BASSFlag.BASS_SPEAKER_REAR; _streamCopy.Start();
private DSP_StreamCopy _streamCopy; ... _streamCopy = new DSP_StreamCopy(); BASS_INFO info = Bass.BASS_GetInfo(); _streamCopy.OutputLatency = info.latency; _streamCopy.DSPPriority = -9000; ... // assign the copy _streamCopy.ChannelHandle = _mixerSourceStream; // the stream to copy _streamCopy.StreamCopyDevice = 0; _streamCopy.StreamCopyFlags = BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE; _streamCopy.SourceMixerStream = MixerStreamA; _streamCopy.TargetMixerStream = MixerStreamB; _streamCopy.IsOutputBuffered = true; _streamCopy.Start(); ... // start playing the original source BassMix.BASS_Mixer_ChannelPlay(_mixerSourceStream); if (_streamCopy.IsAssigned) _streamCopy.ReSync(); ... // pausing the original source BassMix.BASS_Mixer_ChannelPause(_mixerSourceStream); ...