BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

BassEnc_Flac Methods

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

The BassEnc_Flac type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberBASS_Encode_FLAC_GetVersion
Retrieves the version number of the BASSenc_FLAC.DLL that is loaded.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_Encode_FLAC_GetVersion(Int32)
Retrieves the version of the BASSenc_FLAC.DLL that is loaded.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_Encode_FLAC_NewStream
Starts a new bitstream in an Ogg FLAC encoder's output.
Public methodStatic memberBASS_Encode_FLAC_Start
Sets up an FLAC encoder on a channel.

This overload implements UNICODE options. The BASS_UNICODE flag will be added automatically, since all .Net strings are always unicode.

Public methodStatic memberBASS_Encode_FLAC_StartFile
Sets up a FLAC encoder on a channel, writing the output to a file.

This overload implements UNICODE options. The BASS_UNICODE flag will be added automatically, since all .Net strings are always unicode.

Public methodStatic memberFreeMe
Unloads this library. This must be called when you have previously called LoadMe.
Public methodStatic memberLoadMe
Loads this library into memory. The library will be search in the current application directory.
Public methodStatic memberLoadMe(String)
Loads this library into memory. The library will be loaded from the given path.
See Also
