BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

MidiMIDI_OutReset Method

BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library
Turns off all notes on all MIDI channels for the specified MIDI output device.

Namespace:  radio42.Multimedia.Midi
Assembly:  Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:

public static MIDIError MIDI_OutReset(
	IntPtr handle


Type: SystemIntPtr
Handle to the MIDI output device.

Return Value

Type: MIDIError
Returns 0 if successful or an error code otherwise. For possible error values see MIDIError.

Any pending system-exclusive or stream output buffers are returned to the callback function and the MHDR_DONE flag is set in the Flags member of the MIDI_HEADER structure.

Terminating a system-exclusive message without sending an EOX (end-of-exclusive) byte might cause problems for the receiving device. The MIDI_OutReset(IntPtr) function does not send an EOX byte when it terminates a system-exclusive message — applications are responsible for doing this.

To turn off all notes, a note-off message for each note in each channel is sent. In addition, the sustain controller is turned off for each channel.

See Also
