BASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio LibraryEncoderQTAAC MembersBASS.NET API for the Un4seen BASS Audio Library

The EncoderQTAAC type exposes the following members.

Public methodEncoderQTAAC
Creates an instance of a QuickTime AAC encoder implementation.
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Public methodDispose
Implement IDisposable.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalization code.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public methodStatic memberIsQuickTimeInstalled
Determines, if QuickTime is installed on your machine.
Public methodPause
Pauses or resumes an encoder.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public methodSettingsString
Returns the string representation of the current encoder settings.
(Overrides BaseEncoder SettingsString .)
Public methodStart
This method starts the actual QuickTime AAC encoder.
(Overrides BaseEncoder Start(ENCODEPROC, IntPtr, Boolean).)
Public methodStop 
Stops the encoder (if started).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public methodStop(Boolean)
Stops the encoder (if started).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public methodToString
Returns the name of the Encoder.
(Overrides OnlineObject ToString .)
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Public fieldQT_Bitrate
--cbr, --abr or --cvbr: Choose a nominal bitrate to encode at for the selected QT_Mode (only used for CBR, ABR and CVBR). Attempt to encode at a bitrate averaging this. Takes an argument in kbps.
Public fieldQT_CustomOptions
The custom parameter string, which should be used, if the QT_UseCustomOptionsOnly property is set to  .
Public fieldQT_HE
--he: Enable the high efficiency (HE-AAC) encoder. Cannot be used with True VBR mode.
Public fieldQT_Mode
--cbr, --abr, --cvbr or --tvbr: Gets or Sets the QuickTime encoding mode (CBR, ABR, CVBR, TVBR).
Public fieldQT_Quality
--tvbr: Choose the quality value for the selected QT_Mode (only used for TVBR). Available quality range is 0-127 (default is 65).
Public fieldQT_QualityMode
Gets or Sets which encoder quality mode to use? (default is High).
Public fieldQT_Samplerate
--samplerate: Control the samplerate of the output file.
Public fieldQT_UseCustomOptionsOnly
Use the QT_CustomOptions parameter string only (default= ).
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Public propertyChannelBitwidth
This property returns the actual bitwidth of the sample data of the channel (e.g. 8, 16, 32).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyChannelHandle
Gets or Sets the channel handle which is used to create the broadcast encoder class.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyChannelInfo
Returns the general channel info.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyChannelNumChans
This property returns the actual number of channles of the sample data BASS is using with the channel (e.g. 1=mono, 2=stereo, etc.).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyChannelSampleRate
This property returns the actual sample rate in Hz of the sample data BASS is using with the channel (e.g. 44100).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyDefaultOutputExtension
This return the default extension of an output file for this encoder (".m4a").
(Overrides BaseEncoder DefaultOutputExtension.)
Public propertyEffectiveBitrate
Returns the effective encoder bitrate (in kbps) of the output.
(Overrides BaseEncoder EffectiveBitrate.)
Public propertyEncoderCommandLine
Gets the actual encoder command-line string (using all QT_xxx properties).
(Overrides BaseEncoder EncoderCommandLine.)
Public propertyEncoderDirectory
Gets or Sets the encoder's base directory.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyEncoderExists
This property return  , if the file "qtaacenc.exe" exists in the EncoderDirectory - else   is returned.
(Overrides BaseEncoder EncoderExists.)
Public propertyEncoderHandle
Gets or sets the current HENCODE encoder handle.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyEncoderType
Gets a value indicating the type of content. Here BASS_CTYPE_STREAM_AAC is always returned.
(Overrides BaseEncoder EncoderType.)
Public propertyForce16Bit
Gets or Sets if a encoding in 16-bit sample data should be forced (default is  ).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyInputFile
Gets or Sets the input file name to be processed by the encoder (null = STDIN, default).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyIsActive
Gets a value indicating if the encoder has been started (see Start(ENCODEPROC, IntPtr, Boolean)) and is active - else   will be returned.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyIsPaused
Gets a value indicating if the encoder has been paused (see Pause(Boolean)) - else   must be returned.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyNoLimit
Gets or Sets if encoding should use the CAST_NOLIMIT flag (which is only needed, if the encoder is used for streaming).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyOutputFile
Gets or Sets the output file name to be processed by the encoder (null = STDOUT, default).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertySupportsSTDOUT
QuickTime AAC does NOT implement STDOUT, so FASLE is always returned.
(Overrides BaseEncoder SupportsSTDOUT.)
Public propertyTAGs
Gets or Sets the TAG_INFO structure associated with the encoder.
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
Public propertyUseAsyncQueue
Gets or Sets if encoding should use an async queue (i.e. the BASS_ENCODE_QUEUE flag).
(Inherited from BaseEncoder.)
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See Also