Converts a second value as reveived by BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Int32, Int64) to a string representation.
Namespace: Un4seen.Bass
Assembly: Bass.Net (in Bass.Net.dll) Version:
- seconds
- Type: SystemDouble
A value representing seconds. - format
- Type: SystemString
One of the following constants:HHMM HHMMSS hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 00:03:17 MMSS minutes:seconds, e.g. 03:17 MMSSFF minutes:seconds.milliseconds, e.g. 03:17.25 MMSSFFF minutes:seconds.milliseconds, e.g. 03:17.257 MMSSF minutes:seconds.milliseconds, e.g. 03:17.2 HHMMSSFF hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds, e.g. 00:03:17.25 HHMMSSFFF hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds, e.g. 00:03:17.257 HHMMSSF hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds, e.g. 00:03:17.2 SMPTE24 hours:minutes:seconds:frames (with 24fps) SMPTE25 hours:minutes:seconds:frames (with 25fps) SMPTE30 hours:minutes:seconds:frames (with 30fps) SMPTE50 hours:minutes:seconds:frames (with 50fps) SMPTE60 hours:minutes:seconds:frames (with 60fps) all others Will be converted according to the standard DateTimeFormatInfo pattern as specified in the format parameter.
Return Value
Type: StringThe seconds as a string in the given format.
See Also